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A Creative September

The last two weeks of September for me have been full of creative experiences and adventures in London; meeting lots of designers and gaining many more contacts in TENT and catching up with people I have met before from university, workshops and other networking events. TENT London took place at the Old Truman Brewery, in Shoreditch, London. The most important aspect was getting a taste of what life is like exhibiting my work as a professional textile designer. I learnt that TENT London was part of the London Design Festival, normally run each year in the month of September. One thing I consider for next time is to find out more about how the designers  achieved running their small businesses, exploring inspirational enterprising ideas from many designers, relevant to my conceptual brand and could carry out competitor research. I felt very happy there were textile designers who work in many companies and produce textiles for interior products to a similar style that will generally in

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